Vocabulario alimentos y bebidas | Vocabulary food and drink
El gerundio | The gerund
Adjetivos posesivos | Possessive adjectives
El presente continuo | The present continuous
Presente simple VS. presente continuo | Present simple VS. Present continuous
Expresar gustos y disgustos | Expressing likes and dislikes
Cuantificadores al final de la oración | Quantifiers at the end of a sentence
Pronombres objeto | Object Pronouns
Actividades físicas y deportes | Physical activities and sports
"Also", "too" y "as well" | "Also","too" and "as well"
Adverbios de modo | Adverbs of manner
Pronombres posesivos | Possessive pronouns
Pronombre "whose"| Pronoun "whose"
El imperativo | The imperative
El imperativo | The imperative
Dar y pedir indicaciones | Asking and giving directions
El pasado simple del verbo "to be" | The simple past of the verb "to be"
El pasado de "To be" | The simple past of "To be"
Marcadores de tiempo para el pasado | Time markers for the past
Números del 1 al 1000 | Numbers from 1 to 1000
Decir "había"y"hubo" | "There was" and "There were"
El verbo "to like" | The verb "to like"
El pasado simple de los verbos regulares | The simple past of regular verbs
Pasado simple (preguntas y oraciones negativas)